Thursday, July 23, 2015

White Blank Page

Change. It's the one (and only) constant in our universe. It's inevitable. It's scary. It's always looming. Sometimes it happens without us realizing that it's happening. Okay, fine. Fairly often it happens without us realizing it. It's all around us. All. The. Time. Not to freak you out or anything. It's just astonishing to think about. Our cells are shifting and changing and dying and renewing... it's a never-ending cycle. Change can be horrifying. It can be one of the hardest things we will ever experience. Why do you think newborn babies cry when they leave the comfort of the womb and are forced into the cold, blinding light of day? Because it's terrifying. But luckily, change can be one of the most beautiful, most enriching, most positive experiences you will ever have. It's an opportunity to start fresh. To try a little harder. To be a better person.

I guess you can tell that I'm nervous about moving to Orono in three short weeks. It doesn't seem possible that this summer is almost over. It seems like just yesterday I was still at UMF, nervously awaiting graduation. Alas, the summer is winding down and the start of school is looming on the horizon. Don't get me wrong--I'm so excited to have an opportunity to start fresh in a new place, make new friends, and begin my journey at UMO. It's just a little scary that it's all happening so soon.

I've done it before--starting over. I transferred from SMCC to UMF after two years of security and familiarity and now I get to take that leap of faith once again. Although, this time I've realized something. Before I left SMCC, I saw the change as an opportunity to be someone else. To forget about my past. To leave behind unhealthy habits and an incredibly unhealthy relationship. I wanted to forget the past. When I left UMF, I had a similar feeling. I wanted to forget all of the bad times I had had. But just recently I realized something. I shouldn't be spending so much time running from the negative experiences in life. I should spend so much more time focusing on what is good and right and positive in my life. I shouldn't feel as though I'm running away from the bad things that have happened--I should feel like I'm running towards something new and exciting. And when I look back, I should be able to recognize the bad and realize that all of that has passed for a reason and instead think of all of the positive things that have come to me.

I so look forward to my next adventure. I know that while there will always be good times and bad times, both of these experiences help shape us and teach us valuable lessons. Be thankful for the good times. Be thankful for the bad times. Be thankful for the plentiful love that you share with your loved ones. Be thankful for the love you've lost. Be thankful for a job that you love. Even be thankful for the shittiest job you've ever had. Just be thankful for change, good or bad. Charge forward into your life. Never ever forget where you've been and never lose sight of where you're going. Listen--we've got this.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Where Has the Time Gone?

It seems like just yesterday that I was writing the previous post while sitting at JFK. But I guess that was nearly two months ago, wasn't it? Damn. I'm not even sure where to start with this update. I guess I'll pick up where I left off:

I graduated college! A few short days after I returned from my whirlwind trip to Wisconsin, I walked across the stage at UMF, shook hands with President Foster, accepted my degree, and began my adult life. Of course I was an adult legally when I was 18, but while you're in college, it's not like you're a true adult. Well, I didn't feel like one anyway. For those who didn't know what I was studying, I received a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and the Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician Certification. Now, you may ask: “What do you do with a BA in Psychology?” Well, not much. If one wishes to be a counselor or therapist, they would need to obtain a Master's degree and become a certified counselor. For me, this wasn't what spoke to me. I've been involved in student life at the college level all four years of my undergrad. I love being able to work with all types of students, make connections, facilitate growth (and be able to see growth in myself), and forge positive relationships. It is because of my passion for the field that I decided that I wanted to go into Student Affairs after graduation. Leading me to apply to UMaine's Higher Education program and also several jobs in the field. Hence the job interview in Wisconsin.

Speaking of, I didn't get the job. Needless to say, I was upset. I was told that it was a truly difficult decision and I was wished the best in my bright future. Despite the positive affirmations, I was crushed. Something I had so dearly been hoping for burst into flames and died right in front of my eyes. However, I am happy to announce that I will be attending UMaine in the Fall in the Master's of Education in Student Development in Higher Education program. I will also be working as the Graduate Outreach Assistant for the Counseling Center. In this role, I'll be supervising the Mind Spa, a relaxation zone at the university, and it's staff of undergraduate students. I will also be helping promote mental health by creating and administering programs across the university. I have been lucky enough to have also secured a second position as Resident Scholar for the UMaine chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. In this role, I'll be designing and leading programs for a fraternity as well as overseeing the day to day activities and well-being of the house. I am so thankful for these amazing opportunities and I can't wait to get started in the Fall.

This summer has been amazing so far and I'm sure that the rest will be wonderful as well. I've been working at Day's Store in Belgrade and to be honest, most days it doesn't even feel like work. I love the people I work with and enjoy being able to meet and talk to some really interesting customers. I am so thankful to have such an amazing job, even if it is just for the summer. I've also been able to have some fun outside of work as well. I've been able to spend some quality time with the woman of my dreams and her family, whom I love. I've been a part of a beautiful wedding in New Hampshire, seen Ingrid Michaelson for the 4th time, spent days just laying on the beach, and days just laying around the house. I am happy. Truly, genuinely happy.
