Friday, May 8, 2015

Pomp and Circumstance

7 days... 7 more days. What. The. Heck. Graduation is so close, yet so far. Despite being done with classes, I still have three papers left to write and a final next week. It seems so unreal that my undergrad has flown by so quickly. I am incredibly thankful for all of the experiences I've had and the people I've known. But this isn't the post for that... trust me, there will be a super sappy post in the coming days about all of that.

I wanted to share some information about graduation for those of you that might be interested. Commencement is at 10:30am on Saturday, May 16th here at UMF. If the weather is nice, the ceremony will be outside in the large parking lot behind the Computer Center. All will be welcome to attend as tickets will not be necessary. If the weather is poor, however, the ceremony will be held inside the Fitness and Recreation Center. In this case, only four people will be granted admission (we only get 4 tickets). Regardless of where the ceremony is, it will be broadcast on Mt. Blue TV and also shown inside the Education Center and a couple of other venues on campus.

As to what's ahead after graduation - I still have no idea and that is so stressful for me. I have a tentative plan but nothing necessarily concrete. It depends on what happens with my interview next week. I'll be sure to keep you all posted. If anyone wants to send me a card for graduation, it might be best to send it to my home address which I will happily give you upon request.

Keep an eye out for my super depressing farewell / reflection on my undergrad post coming soon!


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