Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Freak the Freak Out

UPDATE: 18 days until graduation! I think I'm freaking the freak out. Every time I settle into an idea of what next year will look like, something changes. I mean, I know this is a time of incredible changes and whatnot, but really? Necessary? I think not.

First, let's recap. My birthday was a week ago and it was amazing. I was surrounded by people I love and had a wonderful day. I am so thankful to have gotten many wonderful gifts for my apartment and little Cheesecake. I also got tickets to see Ingrid Michaelson for the fourth time and I can't wait! I went out for drinks with some great friends to close out the night and danced to Taylor Swift like my life depended on it!

Now looking forward: People keep asking me what my plans are for next year. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea yet. I thought for sure that I would be heading up to Orono for grad school... until today. Remember that job that I had applied for at Beloit College in Wisconsin? Well, this morning I woke up to a phone call asking if I would like to come to campus for a third interview. Luckily (and thankfully) Beloit will pay all of my travel expenses. I'll be flying out of Portland in the morning on May 13th and landing in Charlotte, North Carolina, changing planes and flying into Chicago, Illinois. From there, I'll take a shuttle to Beloit. My interview will be from early in the morning on the 14th until mid-afternoon. Then I'll hop back on a plane and be back in Maine very late that night. I am so incredibly excited to have this amazing opportunity and can't wait to see what happens next.

I should mention that this whirlwind trip will take place during finals week. And between now and then I have to accomplish quite a lengthy list of assignments, pack up everything I own, continue working, and attempting to still have fun for the last three weeks of my undergrad. Holy cow.

Can I do all of this and remain sane? Only time will tell. Wish me luck!


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