Sunday, April 5, 2015

Falling Into Place...

Well, here we are. There are only six short weeks until I graduate. It doesn't seem possible that these four years have flown by as quickly as they have. In these final weeks, I find myself in a constant state of flux. The ups and downs come at a rate comparable to riding a speeding roller coaster. For the whole first part of the year it was as if this roller coaster would never stop but now I can see the end... and I couldn't be more excited. Excited not only to get off this ride, ending the mayhem of my undergraduate career, but excited to get on whatever ride may come next. Speaking of which, what even are my options?

Option #1. Graduate School: I have officially been accepted at the University of Maine in Orono to the M.Ed. program in Student Development in Higher Education. Along with this, I have been offered (and tentatively accepted) a graduate assistantship in the Counseling Center as the Outreach Assistant. Luckily, this position would cover nearly the entire cost of my graduate degree and provides a stipend above and beyond that. If I take this route, this means in August, I'll be moving to Orono and will need to find a roommate or two to share the cost.

Option #2. Workforce: I have applied to several positions in Higher Education. My thought behind this was to establish myself, make some money, and get on my feet as an adult and a college graduate before going to get a higher degree. A few weeks ago, I had two phone interviews. One at Hiram College in Hiram, Ohio and one at Beloit College in Beloit, Wisconsin. Just this past week, I had a second phone interview with Beloit and am now playing the waiting game. The next step would most likely be an on-campus interview if I'm lucky enough to be chosen. Time will tell.

As of today, I have secured a plan for this summer which is something that I have been freaking out about for some time now. I will be staying in Farmington over the summer, subleasing my friend Linsey's studio apartment. I'll be returning to Day's Store in Belgrade hopefully working 40 hours a week and making lots of money. $$$! I will also be getting a little tiny kitten! Hopefully a male, but possibly a little lady cat. Whichever gender it is, I shall call it... CHEESECAKE! <3 I'm so excited to finally be able to have my own little kitten companion. (Well, it won't totally be mine, I'm sharing with my amazing girlfriend, Madeline!)

So, why am I writing this blog, you may ask? Well, it's so that all of those people who I can't necessarily communicate with all the time but would like to stay informed about the happenings in my busy whirlwind of a life, can read up on my silly little life. Also, with all this stress, it's good to get it all out one way or another and the internet is certainly much less expensive than therapy.

Check back often and feel free to follow my blog. I'll be posting pretty frequently, most likely.


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